material me

I was born with an appreciation for the finer things in life. Who doesn't enjoy being spoiled? The downside is that I've also been poor my entire life. But I like to dream. I like to imagine how the other half lives. And this morning, I saw the object of my most hidden desires. mmm...mmmm...good.
2015 Ford Mustang. I MEAN LOOK AT IT!!! This car and I were made for each other. I can tell just by looking at it. So, in order to compensate for the lack of this gorgeous ride in my life, I've decided to start driving with my eyes closed. That way I can make believe that when my ghetto '98 Mazda sputters to a start, I can feel the purr of the gorgeous machine of my dreams coming to life. GIMME!!! Haha. A girl can dream can't she? So if you see me driving around with my eyes closed, first thing, look out. Second thing, know that I'm having the time of my life driving the car of my hopes and dreams.


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