just pray

I'm falling apart at the seams. 

I need prayers right now more than I can explain. Please please please send up a little supplication in my behalf. I don't always ask for help, but this time, I'm barely breathing. I can be humble enough to ask for a little divine intervention on my behalf. As annoyed as I am right now with God (we're just now getting back on speaking terms after a not-so-funny joke), He's the only one that can really make this situation alright. So for those of you reading, I'm not in mortal danger. I'm not in relationship danger. I'm in financial danger, and there are a couple things that we're waiting on to see if we're going to make it through the summer. It'll only take a second and I will be grateful forever. Thank you.

[Note: This is not a cry for money. Please don't offer, and don't ask for specifics. I'm truly only asking for prayers.]


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